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Sizes: S, M, L (10” frame), XL (12” frame)

The JET knee brace is designed with children in mind. The shorter frame fits proportionally to a child’s leg length and the hinge has been reduced to match the anatomy of the smaller knee. The aircraft aluminum frame provides support, strength and durability, while still remaining lightweight. Brace migration is prevented by contouring and capturing the medial condyle as well as using supracondylar suspension to keep the brace in place. Spacer designed padding allows the brace to be adjusted to the growing child for longer use. By removing or stacking the spacers, a three-point load system can also be created, allowing the brace to be used for Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans (JOCD).

Common Examples of Use

  • Ligamentous injuries to the ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL
  • Meniscus
  • Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans

Product Features

  • 10” (25 cm) and 12” (30 cm) length frames
  • Reduced hinge size
  • Condylar suspension points
  • Spacer pads for size adjustments and unloading option

Instructions for Use

Instructions for Use

Part Numbers

Part Numbers

Part # Description
KZ114000 JET, Custom
KZ114YXX–BCI JET Black, Combined Instability, S – XL
KZ1143XX Thigh Pad Kit, S – L
KZ115Y09 Thigh Pad Kit, XL
KZ1145XX Thigh Strap Kit, S – XL
KZ1144XX Calf Pad Kit, S – L
KZ125Y09 Calf Pad Kit, XL
KZ1146XX Calf Strap Kit, S – XL
KZ079000 Accessory Kit, S – L
KZ0770XX Kit Pad Jet Hi Activity, S-L
KZ074109 Pad Kit, Left, XL
KZ074209 Pad Kit, Right, XL
KZ0760XX Strap Kit, S-L
KZ075109 Strap Kit, Left, XL
KZ075209 Strap Kit, Right, XL
XX = See size chart

Y: Left (1), Right (2)

Product Sizing Chart

JET sizing chart