I’m interested in a DMEPOS/bracing program, but I’m not sure if an in-house, outsourced or hybrid program is right for my organization.
Ancillary revenue added to Breg customers’ top line in 2024. (Data on file, results may vary.)
Average net profit for Breg accounts, on average.
Medicare documentation and consulting support ensures customers are audit-ready. (Based on data on file as of 1/31/24)
More experience implementing orthotics & DME programs than anyone else.
More experience implementing orthotics & DME programs than anyone else.
Create an efficient, paperless DMEPOS/bracing program with seamless integration, making it remarkably easy to help lower the cost of healthcare while improving outcomes and creating an excellent patient experience.
I’m interested in learning how to build an in-house ancillary DMEPOS/bracing program for revenue generation and continuity of care.
I’m interested in implementing an outsourced cost avoidance inventory program (“stock and bill”).
I’m interested in a DMEPOS/bracing program, but I’m not sure if an in-house, outsourced or hybrid program is right for my organization.
2382 Faraday Avenue, Ste 300
Carlsbad, CA 92008
The materials on this website are for your general educational information only. Information you read on this website cannot replace the relationship that you have with your healthcare professional. We do not practice medicine or provide medical services or advice as a part of this website. You should always talk to your healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.
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